Road Map


In Brief

Year 1: Build a foundation

21岁的奎恩·布伦纳(Quin Brunner)是船屋的创始人之一,他会在学生下水前给他们报名. Welcome to the School of Business! 除了开始你的学术之旅,你的第一年课程通过 Advanced Mentoring Program (AMP) are where you meet your peers, get to know faculty, 并了解商学院和伯洛伊特学院的所有机会.

Career Works offers AMP Connect Sessions and Career Accelerators on topics ranging from building your strengths, creating your first resume, picking a major, and more. 这些课程为你提供了规划你的前几个学期的机会, gain some professional skills right from the start.

Get involved. Take advantage of the co-curricular opportunities, including Investment Club, Marketing Club, Women in Economics and Business club, MakerLab, Beloit Mixed Media, Buccaneer Boathouse, and other clubs and organizations.


Business Networking Summit Feb 2024 Business Networking Summit Feb 2024 Declare your major with the Business School. 从企业管理、经济学和数量经济学中选择. 选择你的学术顾问,制定一个既能满足你的激情又能满足你的职业兴趣的学术计划.

Complement your major with minors如金融、市场营销、创业或体育管理. Try some Coursera mini-certifications in Marketing & Ecommerce, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Project Management, Sales, Logistics, and more.

与职业顾问一起制定个性化的职业规划,并指派一名行业专业人士担任职业教练. 在你的简历和领英资料上获得个性化的反馈. Start building your professional network. As part of your coursework, 你将学习如何进行信息面试,并在你选择的领域与校友匹配.

Year 3: Gain experiences and expand your professional network

Gjergj Ndoci'20通过参与工作世界班找到了他的实习机会, taught by Carol Wickersham and Jessica Fox-W... Seek real-world experiences and internships. Leverage Impact Beloit的社区关系和校友关系,并通过 Community Fellowship Program or the Concierge Internship Program.

Attend the Business School’s annual Business Networking Summit 今年2月,在芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business). Connect with alumni industry professionals, expand your network, and in the process, learn about internship opportunities.

春季学期是大三最受欢迎和推荐的时间 study off campus or abroad. 商学院学生的热门校外国内项目包括在华盛顿的一个学期, 美国大学的DC和费城实习生, Pennsylvania). 对于海外留学,可以考虑英国、比利时和澳大利亚大学的课程.

Year 4: Leverage your network + tell your story → launch

伯洛伊特学院的学生在芝加哥参加一年一度的经济日活动,与校友一起学习和交流商业机会. Leverage the professional network that you worked so hard to build in the previous three years. 和你关系网中的人联系,获得工作推荐,并帮助你写简历和求职信, or do mock interviews in preparation for job applications.

Graduates of the Business School secure employment in a variety of fields. 最受欢迎的是金融、咨询、营销、创业和数据/商业分析. The median early-career annual salary for graduates is $85,000(基于2023年职业结果调查),最近在摩根大通工作, Ziegler Capital, Group One Trading, Deloitte Consulting, NERA Consulting, and others.

Through the Upton Forum, learn to think big to become a visionary business leader. 作为高级顶点的一部分,参与并从你的高级项目中获得反馈 Upton Scholar -在经济和商业领域的领先思想家(见 list of scholars, including three Nobel Memorial Prize Winners).

总统埃里克·博因顿在2024年商业网络峰会上与校友和学生交谈 总统埃里克·博因顿在2024年商业网络峰会上与校友和学生交谈

 Example academic plans

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